Custom Bedding California

Custom Bedding California


Everybody likes an elegant and beautifully furnished bedroom. Custom bedding is a beautiful way to add finishing touches to your bedroom. To complete the finishing of the entire ensemble of the bedroom, combine custom bedding with custom or designer window coverings, custom pillows, cushions, and shams. Custom Bedding California is a premium furniture and upholstery shop in downtown Los Angeles, California.

Established in 1980, our shop has been in the furniture and upholstery business for 33 years and set up to provide superior quality furniture, custom furniture, custom upholstery, and upholstery accessories to commercial and residential clients. We offer the best custom bedding in California and its surrounding communities as well as custom drapery, furniture repair, and re-upholstery services.

If you looking for the best custom bedding in California at reasonable prices alongside great customer service and exceptional after-sales service, visit our showroom located in downtown Los Angeles, California. Give us a call for any current or future custom bedding project at (408) 509-1245 or email us at



We at Custom Bedding California is your one-stop solution for any kind of custom furniture, custom upholstery, and upholstery accessories for residential and commercial concerns. We have one of the largest and the most extensive selection of beautiful custom bedding and linens, comforter sets, bedsheets, shams, duvet covers, bed skirts, bedcovers, quilts, throw pillows, mattresses, bed runners, blankets & throws, decorative pillows & cushions, bedding sets, comforters, and coverlets.

We also offer custom bedding installation services for all of our products including custom bedding and accessories from big brands such as Hunter Douglas and Alustra brands. We also offer custom drapery and other window coverings installations for your bedroom or any other rooms. Additionally, we also provide custom window coverings including custom drapery, custom blinds, custom shades, shutters, roman shades, mini blinds, Venetian blinds, and much more.

We also offer custom wall upholstery, restaurant upholstery, restaurant booth upholstery, aviation upholstery, antique upholstery, marine & boating upholstery, residential upholstery (homes and single apartments), commercial upholstery (local business and offices), hospitality upholstery, casino chairs upholstery, and many more.

Besides, we also provide custom chair upholstery and restoration, custom sofa/couch upholstery, sofa restoration, headboards upholstery, patio cushions, patio furniture, outdoor furniture, foam supply, foam replacements, custom slipcovers, slipcovers upholstery, and much more.

In addition to custom bedding, we offer reupholstery and restoration services for custom residential and commercial upholstery. Custom upholstery including custom bedding requires the right upholstery fabrics, leathers, and vinyl.

We have one of the biggest selections of commercial upholstery fabrics, leathers, and vinyl in California and includes fabrics of various colors, patterns, and textures. Whether you want a retro, classic, country, modern, contemporary, classic contemporary, organic fabrics, we have you covered.

Why Choose Custom Bedding California?


At Custom Bedding California, we believe everybody home should be a welcoming oasis. Your home should be your favorite place to gather, to relax, to retreat and to live well every day. Our custom bedding and furnishings and custom furniture and upholstery will change the look and feel of your bedroom. Our skilled craftsmen and artisans make incredible custom bedding and furnishings by combining the breezy California style with great design and aesthetics.

All of our custom bedding and furnishings come with a casual and coastal look, yet they feel relaxed and refined. Our custom bedding and furnishings designs combine classic influences with modern lines blended with great American style.

Our custom bedding and furnishings will turn your ordinary bedroom into an extraordinary bedroom. Finding the right custom bedding and furnishings to make your bedroom in a relaxing oasis is an overwhelming and daunting task. At Custom Bedding California, we will make it easy for you! After all delivering exceptional customer service is what we have been doing for the last three decades. We create custom furniture, custom bedding, and furnishings that will match your existing furniture to create the perfect ambience.

Our experienced and knowledgeable staff help you through every step of the way to design and craft the perfect custom bedding and furnishings that will compliment your room’s décor and interior setting as well as your window coverings.

Our custom bedding also comes in a variety of designs and styles and we have an extensive range of bedding accessories such as pillows, comforter sets, bedsheets, shams, duvet covers, bed skirts, bedcovers, quilts, throw pillows, mattresses, bed runners, blankets & throws, decorative pillows & cushions, bedding sets, comforters, and coverlets. Pillows and other bedding accessories will provide elegance, color, and texture to your bedroom.

If you want to have the best custom bedding and furnishing, custom furniture and upholstery and reupholstery in California at affordable prices, don’t look anywhere and give us a call. You can call us at (408) 509-1245 or email us at

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    1 (888) 519-1999